
尊敬的申请人:非常感谢大家一直以来对斯德哥尔摩中国签证申请服务中心的大力支持与配合! 因业务发展需要,自2024年10月19日至20日,中心将搬迁至新办公场地,2024年10月21日起,中心将在新办公地址对外营业。

您若有任何疑问可致电或邮件进行咨询,电话号码和邮件地址不变。中心将以此次搬迁为新的起点,进一步为大家提供更优质的服务,再次感谢各位长期以来给予中心的支持与配合! 如因中心搬迁给大家带来不便,我们深感歉意并敬请谅解!

新办公地址:Floor 3, Hangövägen 29, 11541 Gärdet, Stockholm

电话:08-12201166 (10:00-11:30 、13:00-16:00)

邮箱:sthlm@visaforchina.se (10:00-15:00)




 Notice of office relocation

Dear applicants,

The Chinese Visa Application Service Center Stockholm is pleased to inform you that our office will be moving from 19th _20th October 2024 and our office will reopen on 21 October 2024 at the new address as followed:

 New address: Floor 3, Hangövägen 29, 11541 Gärdet, Stockholm

Telephone08-12201166 (10:00-11:30 、13:00-16:00)

Emailsthlm@visaforchina.se (10:00-15:00)

We apologize for any inconvenience that you may encounter during our move dates. Should you have any questions on the relocation, please feel free to contact us. Our telephone and email remain the same.

Looking forward to seeing and serving you at our new facility.

Chinese Visa Application Service Center Stockholm

26 September 2024


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