家居业巨头Ikea最为经济类学生所青睐。而全球四大会计行之一的Ernst & Young, 国际连锁服装品牌Hennes & Mauritz以及传统的银行和投资业也是经济专业毕业生的热衷之选。此前几年,金融业的紧缩和衰退一度让有志于投身这一行的毕业生望而却步。而随着金融市场的回暖,人们对从事金融行业的愿望和信心也逐渐恢复。
在Sony Ericsson, Nokia和IBM保持热度的同时,技术类学生最偏爱的还是IT巨头、世界最大的搜索引擎Google
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Ikea and Google top student career wish list
Published: 18 Mar 10 10:29 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/25598/20100318/
Swedish students have named Google, Ikea and the foreign ministry as their dream places of work, according to a new survey from Universum published on Thursday.
Furniture giant Ikea is favoured primarily by economics students, who would also love the chance to work at Ernst & Young and Hennes & Mauritz, in addition to the traditional choices of the major banks and investment houses.
The finance sector made a general recovery among the preferences of Swedish students in this year’s survey after a couple of years of ambivalence in the wake of the finance crunch and subsequent recession.
The annual survey of student career preferences shows that jobs in the public sector are declining in popularity, although the foreign ministry remained a popular choice.
Technology students continued to favour a position at IT giant Google, while Ericsson retained its attraction along with Sony Ericsson, Nokia and IBM.
This year’s big loser is identified as the consultancy sector, with the survey showing that students have responded to the recession by stating a preference for stability, with work-life balance declining in importance.
Law students have, as in 2009, expressed a preference for working at the foreign ministry, the Prosecution Authority and the EU Commission. The police, security police, and prisons and probation service are also popular choices.
Universum interviewed 17,000 students within the fields of economics, technology, IT, law and estate agency, and asked for their dream place of work after completing their studies. The average age of respondents in the sample was just under 25, and 30 percent were due to graduate in 2010.